Fine Antique Glasgow Jacobite Style Sporran Restoration
Fine Vintage Glasgow Jacobite Style Sporran Restoration
Fine Antique 1920’s Glasgow Jacobite Style Sporran Restoration
We are always amazed by things found in old boxes around the country. What looks a rather sad blackened moth eaten sporran, can turn out to be a hidden gem. Originally made by Highland wear outfitter Rowan & Co, Glasgow and owned by a member of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers & Dyers of Glasgow.
This is very much the case with this sporran. However we could see past the grime. The first thing was to carefully remove the bag from the 1920’s period sporran. The pouch was in need of a new fur front as original fur was so badly worn it only had about 40% of the original fur left.
The back of the bag and pouch was still in good condition, so that was saved for a new fur front.
Whilst the pouch was off we tackled the heavy tarnish on the Jacobite style bullseye pattern cantle. The hinged cantle was still in good condition so the cantle was gentle polished and cleaned by our silversmith to reveal the original plating.
The restored pouch was reattached and the sporran will now be good for another hundred years or more. Saving antique and vintage Highland dress is a passion.
Buchanan Street Glasgow
Rowan & Co Glasgow - Gentleman’s & Boys Outfitter
Rowan & Co. were established around 1846 as a merchant tailor and boys outfitters. Rowan initially occupied premises at 104 -108 Argyle Street Glasgow. Before relocating in the early twentieth century to Rowan House 68 - 74 Buchanan Street Glasgow.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth century Rowan & Co Glasgow became know as outfitters for shooting parties heading to the grouse moors of Scotland and quality Highland dress.
Today the Rowan & Co has gone, but their Highland dress accessories live on.